Get More Leads and Close Deals Without Paying Expensive Agencies.

See how our software can transform the marketing for your business

Business Owners Capture Nurture & Close More Leads


Customer relationship management system to ensure no leads slip away


Email, Facebook, Instagram it doesn't matter we bring all your conversations to one place


Move customers through the pipeline until they are ready to go through with the sale


Built in automated follow up to ensure the client is taken care of, whilst saving you time

Launch Social Media Ads In Less Than 5 Clicks

We have Winning Social Media Ad Templates That Have Been Tested And Proven To Be Launched, In Less Than 45 Seconds. No More Paying An Agency $3000 Per Month Or Struggling To Work Out Meta

In The Past, There Has Only Been 2 Options To Run Facebook Ads

This is an option if you have money to spend. However, you're at the mercy of the agency. You have to run their ads, their way, with little flexibility. Also most of that cost goes to the agency and not the actual ad spend. Our software gives you the luxury of an agency at a fraction of the cost.

If you have been in business for any amount of time, you have probably tried to run your own ads. More than likely they didn't give you the results you hoped for. Our AI Technology ensures you always have a winning ad to use.

LOCAM Offers A Third Option Solution

Allowing You To Get The Best Of Both Worlds

You get the agency experience where professionals create and set up your campaign the right way…

And then you get to launch those proven ads directly into your account with less than 5 clicks.

This Click-N-Go model will help fill in the gaps in your knowledge, empowering you to scale your ads without having to spend thousands on an agency every month.

Building The Business Engine

See how our client finder software can transform your marketing for your business


Capture leads using our landing pages, surveys, forms, calendars, inbound phone system & more!


Automatically message leads via voicemail, forced calls, SMS, emails, FB/IG Messenger & more!


Use our built-in tools to schedule appointments, automate your calendar and track analytics!



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